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How to Stop Stuttering as FAST as Possible

Since I'm that person who always pushes back against all the quick-fix marketing bs out there, you may not expect me to talk about the topic of "how to stop stuttering as quickly as...

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Stop Stuttering IN 3 DAYS? Ex-Stutterer Critiques Anna Deeter's Method

Today we're taking a look at Anna Deeter (from Live Stutter Free) who makes quite a bold claim that she can help you "stop stuttering in 3 days."

Is this a scam? A myth? Or, perhaps, is it...

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Tools to Stop Stuttering: The HAMMER Tool

Hey friend,

One of my favorite tools I teach stutterers to use is what I call the "Hammer" tool. Learning this tool will help you reduce the number of hard blocks, and it will give you a second...

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5 Books Every Stutterer Should Read

Hey friend,

If you struggle with stuttering, perhaps you've asked the question:

"Are there any good books that can help me?"

Well the answer is yes! There are some incredible books that I (a...

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A Tool for Stuttering: "Over-Articulation"

Hey friend,

Today I want to share my personal favorite tool for rising above stuttering. This tool helped me overcome my own stutter, and it's a "fan-favorite" tool for many of my students as well....

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Ex-Stutterer Critiques Lee Lovett

One of the most recognized names in the world of stuttering is Lee Lovett.

Lovett's work includes the book "Stuttering and Anxiety Self-Cures," which has become one of the most popular books on...

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Should You Identify as a "Stutterer"?

Hey friend,

Many therapists and coaches encourage their students to lean into their identity as "stutterers."

But I have a different approach on the matter, and I want to share that with you today....

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HABIT or TENDENCY? Where Stuttering Comes From

If you are like most people who stutter, you've likely had this thought at least once in your life: "If stuttering is just a habit, then why do 99% of people not have this habit while I'm part of...

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The 5 Stages of Confidence (for stutterers)

Today, you're going to learn about The 5 Stages of Confidence. These 5 stages are critical for attaining freedom from stuttering and anxiety. 

You'll learn things like:

  • Why you need to ...
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Is Avoidance Keeping You a Stutterer?

Have you ever wanted to make a phone call, but for fear of stuttering you send a text instead?

Have you ever been invited to a social event, but again – for fear of stuttering –...

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How to Stop Stuttering with EXPOSURE THERAPY

One of the common frustrations stutterers face is being completely fluent when they're alone, but as soon as they're in public, the stuttering and blocking comes roaring back.

As a former...

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(Overcome Stuttering) Tips for Practicing Your Speech in Public

Although it is critical that you have a consistent practice routine by yourself, it's also critical that you expand beyond that into the public realm.

In this video, speech coach Marcus Lapp...

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