3 natural LAWS for rising above stuttering


Hey friend,

I love helping people find more purpose in their lives through the pursuit of excellence in their speech. But there is a common misunderstanding of how this growth actually works.

Let's talk about it...


I love being able to enjoy the company of others 
without the stress of stuttering – like when I'm going out
for pizza and drinks with my Costa Rican friends.

One of the common beliefs people have about stuttering is that it's an all-or-nothing game.  

This line of thinking creates an entirely unhelpful viewpoint on becoming fluent because that's not the way nature operates. And you and I cannot escape the laws of nature.

Natural Law #1: Living things grow slowly

Whether it's a beautiful tree, the infrastructure of a city, or the development of a human child, living things take time to grow into their potential.

Your speech is no different. Changing your speech habits is not something you can do overnight – and even if you could, you wouldn't want that because the roots wouldn't be deep enough and your speech would come crashing down after the "high" wears off.

Be patient. Everything of value takes time. 

Natural Law #2: Muscle memory

It's common knowledge that a person who has been physically strong and muscular in the past can regain that strength much more quickly the second time around, even if they haven't worked out in a long time. This is due to muscle memory.

Similarly, when you grow your fluency habits once, you have a much easier path to regain that fluency after a relapse or regression.

Not all relapses are created equal: It's not as though you lose all your gains when you go through a rough patch. 

When you find yourself going in reverse, don't panic. Instead, understand that regression is normal and that there is no wasted growth.

Regaining fluency is way easier than building it the first time.


Natural Law #3: If you never stop improving, transformation is inevitable

The only reliable kind of transformation is one that is based on consistent growth over time.

We don't think of a beautiful Redwood tree as being "transformed" from a tiny tree into its current state, but the correct view is to say that it IS a transformation – and it's an incredibly reliable one at that. It's the kind that lasts for decades.

Here's the takeaway:

A quick transformation leads to a quick collapse.

A slow-and-steady transformation leads to decades of growth and stability in your speech habits.


– Marcus Lapp / Speak Your Mind Method

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