Imagine a life where you are:

 → FREE from stuttering

from speech anxiety 

confident in your ability to speak well in EVERY situation

This is the life that's waiting for you on the other side of speech mastery.

Let me show you...


Speaking used to be a primary weakness of mine. Now it's one of my strengths!

I used to feel completely restricted and helpless when it came to my speech. For almost the entirety of my teenage years, and into my 20s, I was in a constant war with stuttering.

It affected my ability to do simple things like going to Starbucks or ordering food at restaurants.

→ I would randomly block up when ordering at drive-thrus.

→ When eating at restaurants, I would often piggy-back off the person who ordered before me because I was terrified of embarrassing myself.

It affected my ability to engage in deep and interesting conversations:

→ Even though I've always loved ideas, because of my stutter, I wasn't able to engage in deep dialogue. Instead, I would always lose myself because all I could think about was "not stuttering" rather than the topic being discussed.

It affected my personal life and career growth in a deeply negative way.

→ Because I would constantly stutter (and then avoid talking as a result), I gave off the impression that I wasn't smart. This led to me feeling like I didn't have much to offer, so I settled for lower-level jobs and didn't even focus on education & planning for the future.


BUT, that's not where the story ends. A few years ago, I found a speech coach, I enrolled in his program, and that was when things began to change.

This program gave me what I so desperately needed. A PLAN.

I combined the program with a good hunk of determination and relentless practice and now I can proudly say I am over 95% fluent and my speech no longer holds me back at all. 

This is the kind of FREEDOM that is waiting for you when you commit to this journey of improving your speech and becoming the best version of yourself. 

Here are a few of my favorite things about no longer being a stutterer...

1) I feel more relaxed and confident when traveling and meeting new people

Whether I'm exploring Edinburgh or taking a road trip through the Rocky Mountains, I can now enjoy it to the fullest without worrying about stuttering!



2) I have better friendships and social connections

Since stuttering is no longer an issue, I'm able to have better social connections with friends and family.


3) I can go chase my dreams in life without being held back by stuttering! 

Because I've put so much effort and commitment into my speech skills, I'm now able to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams.


Ask yourself: what would your life look like if your speech worked FOR you instead of against you?

Imagine being so fluent and skilled as a speaker that you get a big promotion at your job. 

Imagine having the verbal skills and the confidence to not only get more dates, but also enjoy them far more than before. 

Simply imagine waking up in the morning without the weight of a stutter on your mind. 

This might all sound like a fantasy, but I'm here to tell you that you CAN do it. And I know this because I know you can make small improvements. 

And guess what happens when you make small improvements consistently... incredible change is what happens.


Ready to CHANGE these areas of your life?


Imagine how much more fun it would be to make romantic connections and put your best personality forward when meeting attractive people. 


Think about how much easier it would be to crush interviews and get higher-paying jobs.


Say goodbye to awkward blocks and discomfort when talking on the phone. 

Imagine how stress-free it would be to talk stutter-free when calling customers at work, or friends and family. 


What if you became the best presenter at your company?

Think about all the potential promotions and opportunities you could have as a result of speaking fluently in your presentations. 


Imagine showing up to a party with no nerves, minimal anxiety, and a smile of confidence as you walk in the door. 

But it’s not only the obvious things. Also think about these additional areas of your life that would improve if you became a smooth speaker. Think about…




I could go on and on. 

What my students are saying...


Is this your experience with stuttering & blocking?

  • You've tried all the tricks.
  • You've done all the Google searches just hoping for something to take away the pain, and yet nothing seems to work.
  • You've perhaps even spent a bunch of money on speech therapy or online programs – with little to show for it

But no matter where you turn, stuttering seems to follow you like a relentless lion ready to pounce and take you down at any given moment.

Perhaps you've even given up and decided that this is just a curse you'll never free yourself from.

Perhaps you've gotten bitter and resentful about the fact that stuttering has kept you from pursuing careers and relationships that you were interested in.

My friend, as someone who struggled with stuttering for many years, I KNOW how painful and depressing it is; but I also know what it's like to feel the joy of fluency!



Read this text I got from Mike...

Read that again...

This was a DM I got from a REAL person whose name is Mike. 

He experienced all those dark emotions, anxieties, and fears we all can relate with.

And yet... he reached a place in his speech and overall life that caused him to send me that incredibly positive message.

Mike is yet another example of what happens when you set yourself towards a goal and you don't give up. 

So my question to you is this:

What's your plan for becoming a great speaker and communicator?

Do you even have a plan?

Herein lies the problem for most of us at this stage in our speech journey: We don't have clarity in the process. We don't have a defined plan. 

But that can all change today. Keep reading to learn how YOU can get a plan to overcome stuttering and blocking like Mike did...

Are you aware of the RISKS?

We human beings have a strange relationship with the word "risk." We tend to only assess risk when it involves change. But what if the biggest risk you will ever take is NOT beating your stutter? What if the biggest risk you will ever take is staying the same? Think about it... 

  • Your ability to speak fluently could very well be the difference between you having just 2 friends, and having an entire network of friends that make for a rich social life.

  • Your ability to speak fluently could very well be the difference between you being able to find a romantic partner and develop a fulfilling relationship with them, or not.

  • Your ability to speak fluently could very well be the difference between you making $30,000 a year and $300,000 a year.

Don't miss out on becoming the best version of yourself.

If you need a reminder of how valuable fluent speech is, read these quotes...


"Be articulate. That's the most dangerous thing you can possibly be." 

- Dr. Jordan B. Peterson



"Communication is one of the most important skills you require for a successful life."

- Catherine Pulsifer



"Your ability to communicate with others will account for fully 85% of your success in your business and in your life." 

- Brian Tracy

This could be your future...

  • You have 95%+ fluency
  • You've experienced an exponential DROP in the number of embarrassing stutters and blocks
  • You've transformed your speech from a weakness to a strength
  • You've set yourself up to dramatically improve your friendships, relationships, dating life, social network, and career
  • You have a higher level of confidence than you ever thought possible

Are you willing to put in the work necessary to achieve this for your future? If so, keep reading...




In this program you'll learn:

  • The step-by-step formula for overcoming a stutter and achieving your dreams in life.
  • The frameworks, mindsets, and insights you need so that you can destroy the old habits of stuttering.
  • How to improve your speech and then use that as a take-off point for changing your whole life and becoming the best version of yourself!

Here's exactly what you'll get from this program:

  • A beautifully structured and systematic 75-day online program (5 premium modules + Lifetime Access + Get all future updates to the course for FREE).
  • Daily routines and practice plans that are clear and easy-to-follow.
  • In-depth video trainings where you will learn valuable insights for transforming your speech AND your life. (5 modules full of my life's work on overcoming a stutter and achieving excellence in your career and personal life)
  • Fun weekly challenges that will help you overcome stuttering more quickly.
  • A step-by-step plan designed to transform your speech and help you become the BEST version of yourself.

Here's what's inside the 75-Day Sprint program:


Onboard Trainings

The Onboard Trainings section is the "Intro Module" to the program, and these videos will give you the CORE insights you need to get your transformation started.


Module 1: Changing Your Identity


In Module 1 you'll learn:

  • How to change your speech in a HOLISTIC way (and why the holistic approach is the best approach)
  • The 5 DESTRUCTIVE Mindsets & The 5 WHOLESOME Mindsets for Building Fluency
  • Two Important Ideas for Changing Your Speech Identity
  • How to build your "Fluency Toolbox" (and how this will help you see immediate results)
  • The EXACT step-by-step system you will use for your daily practice.
  • And much more...



Module 2: Developing Awareness


In Module 2 you'll learn:

  • How to develop the SUPER-POWER skill of Self-Observation. (and why this is critical for transforming your speech)

  • How to walk the line between ACCEPTING your stutter and STRIVING for change.

  • The 3-Step System for achieving FREEDOM from speech anxiety and anticipation.

  • How to steal the practice of using vocal exercises that great singers use, and how to add them to your daily practice in order to speak more smoothly.

  • How to develop the skill of using your hands when you speak. (and how to use your hands in a way that fits with your individual personality)

  • Why you need to develop an "Emergency Tool-Kit" for your speech. (and which tools & techniques to use)

  • How to use the "Q&A Method" in your daily routine so that you can practice more effectively and improve more quickly.



Interlude Insights (BONUS LESSONS)

Right in the middle of the course you will find this BONUS module: Interlude Insights. 

These are lessons that are very practical and will help you navigate specific situations like:

  • Saying your name
  • Improving fluency in loud environments
  • Relaxing the correct way (yes, there’s a wrong way to relax)
  • Breathing
  • Dealing with specific consonants and vowels that give you trouble
  • And more practical tips and advice...



Module 3: Make It A HABIT

Module 3 is a deep dive into how to turn these new speech skills into LONG-TERM habits.

The contents of this module are heavily inspired by the following two fantastic books on the subject:


In Module 3, you will also learn new and exciting ways of advancing your daily routine through skills such as:

  • Leveraging a Role-Model 
  • Becoming a MASTER of using everyday phrases (in situations where the typical tools might sound unnatural)
  • How the simple act of wearing an “internal smile” can change everything about your speech fluency 
  • And much more!

Module 4
: The LAWS of Speech Excellence

Module 4 is my personal favorite module. This is the part where we will learn deeply valuable laws and rules we need to know if we truly want to achieve EXCELLENCE in our speech. 

Here are the core lessons from this module:

  • Marcus's 5 Laws for Speech and Life
  • Laws for Attaining POWER In Your Speech (from Robert Greene's "The 48 Laws of Power")
  • Rules for Your Speech (from Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life)

Module 4 is also where we will expand on the ROLE-MODEL approach we introduced in Module 3. 

Having a role-model for your speech is one of the most effective strategies available to us because of how naturally skilled we human beings are at IMITATION.

Human beings have the ability to mirror other people's behavior and use role-models in a way no other animal can. 

Although there is still much that is unclear about the science behind this process, this human superpower of imitation is likely due to the immense power of what many scientists have dubbed “mirror neurons” in the brain. 


Module 5: A LIFETIME of Speech Excellence

Module 5 is where you will develop your vision and plan for advancing BEYOND The 75 Day Sprint.

In this final module, you will be given the insights you need to develop TRUE LONG-TERM MASTERY AND FREEDOM in your speech. 

ENROLL NOW (Doors Closing Soon)

Here's how you will be able to measure success throughout this process...

Short term success markers:

  • An increase in the percentage of successful/fluent interactions

  • Increased levels of overall confidence & optimism

  • A decreased sense of seeing yourself as a person who stutters 

  • Decreased levels of speech anxiety 

  • A higher sense of peace 

  • Lower stress levels 


Long term success markers:​

  • More fulfilling relationships 

  • Deeper and more friendships 

  • More dates – and better dates 

  • More goals achieved

  • Higher paying job 

  • You no longer think about the mechanics of speaking. (Fluent speech happens automatically because you've spent hours building new speech habits.)

  • A high level of competence in your communication skills. (This is a wonderful benefit of having a stutter. It forces you to dramatically improve your communication skills, which ends up being great for everybody!)

What is the financial benefit of stutter-free speech?

  • If speaking became a strength of yours rather than a weakness, how much do more money do you think you could make in your job or career every year?

  • Is it $10,000? $20,000? $200,000?

  • Imagine the high-paying jobs you will qualify for once you overcome your stutter? The difference between you being a low-income individual forever OR a competent player in your career or field may very well be hinged on whether you overcome stuttering or not.

I believe this program is worth well over $10,000. We're talking about your SPEECH. The monetary value of beating your stutter could be millions, not to mention the radical improvement of the quality of your relationships & future opportunities.  

However, you're NOT going to pay $10,000. You're not even going to pay $5,000.

The cost of the "75-Day Sprint" program with 1-on-1 coaching INCLUDED starts at $299/month for 3 months. 

OR you can save by joining the Self-Study plan at $49/month for 6 months.

Now, that may sound like a lot of money, and depending on your situation, it may be. BUT, once again, think about the rest of your life. Think about the VALUE of fluent and competent speech. Think about how much better the rest of your life will be when you become a great speaker, a great communicator.

I am so grateful that I purchased a $2,200 program from a speech coach back  when I was 19 years old. (And no, I don't have rich parents. I wiped out my own savings for it).

Do I regret investing that money into my future? NOT FOR A SECOND!

This is your chance to finally get a step-by-step plan for changing your speech.

Here are the 3 plans you can choose from:

Choose your preferred plan below...


ALL 3 PLANS Include:

✅ The 75 Day Sprint PREMIUM Course (45+ video lessons + downloads) ($997 value)

✅ My life's work on overcoming stuttering & blocking, building new habits, and achieving your dreams

✅ Step-by-step plans, daily routines, and exact systems to follow

✅ Lifetime Access to the Program (Join today and start whenever you have the time)

✅ 30-Day Money Back GUARANTEE (Start seeing awesome results within 30 days or get a full refund)

(OPTION 1) The Self-Study Plan

6 Payments of $49

For mild-to-moderate stutterers who are highly motivated and want to overcome stuttering on their own.

  • The 75 Day Sprint PREMIUM course (45+ video lessons + downloads) ($997 value)
  • Personalized coaching and a customized plan through 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Marcus

$997 in total value. Join now for 6 monthly payments of only $49 USD.



3 Payments of $299

For mild-to-moderate stutterers who want faster results through 1-on-1 coaching sessions (Includes 4 PREMIUM 1-on-1 coaching sessions)

  • The 75 Day Sprint PREMIUM course (45+ video lessons + downloads) ($997 value)
  • The SILVER plan includes a personal and customized plan through 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Marcus (4 sessions total) ($3,000 value)

$3,997 in total value. Join now for 3 monthly payments of $299 USD.

JOIN THE SILVER PLAN (Includes 4 Premium Coaching Sessions)

(OPTION 3) The GOLD Plan

4 Payments of $299

For all stuttering types who want to get TOP-TIER results through premium weekly coaching sessions (8 sessions total)

  • The 75 Day Sprint PREMIUM course (45+ video lessons + downloads) ($997 value)
  • The GOLD plan includes a personal and customized plan through weekly 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Marcus (8 sessions total) ($6,000 value)

$6,997 in total value. Join now for 4 monthly payments of $299 USD.

JOIN THE GOLD PLAN (Includes 8 Premium Coaching Sessions)

Still unsure? Let me calm your worries.

You can now take advantage of my 30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee.

I'm giving you 30 days to test this program, and if you don't see your amazing improvements in your speech within 30 days, reach out to us and we'll get you a full refund, no questions asked.

I'm completely confident that if you commit yourself to this program you WILL see incredible results.

But if I'm wrong, I'll be happy to take the blame and you'll have a full refund coming your way.

The 75 Day Sprint was made to solve YOUR speech problems

Here are a few examples:

→ Need to see fast results that give you immediate hope? 
Dive into Module 1 and learn a couple powerful tools you can start using right away.

→ Tired of having no plan for your daily practice?
This program destroys that problem by giving you an exact daily routine to follow so that you can actually build and strengthen your new speech habits. (Each module introduces new variations to your daily routine)

→ Want to learn how to avoid relapses?
In Module 3 you'll learn important ideas like James Clear's "4 Step Habit System" and Charles Duhigg's "Keystone Habit" concept for ensuring you build and maintain your fluency.

→ Worried that this won't work for you?
This is a common fear, but don't worry, it's not as risky as you think. Here's why:

If you really don't vibe with me, my coaching style, or the design of the program, you have a full 30 days to see if you get some results. If you don't love it, you can get a full refund.

→ Tired of speech advice that is boring, useless, and impractical?
This program gives you the proven structure and plan that has helped hundreds of students develop their skills and find higher levels of fluency and speech freedom. 

→ Want specific tools for high-pressure "emergencies?" 
Check out the Emergency Toolkit that is introduced in Module 2.

→ Want exact tips for dealing with problematic consonants or vowels?
The Interlude Insights module covers this in detail.

→ Sick of the same old speech therapy crap that makes you sound weird in public?
While I do include the best parts of traditional speech therapy to this program – don't worry, you won't be asked to sound like a crazy person when you're out in public.

→ Want to feel powerful in your social and professional life? 
This program not only gives you tools for fluency, it also gives you insights for building incredible confidence, social skills, and mastery in your speech AND your life overall. (Modules 4 and 5 dive deep into this)

Answering Your Questions...

Got another question?

Just reach out to me by sending an email to [email protected]


What my students are saying...

So, you're at a crossroads my friend. Which lane are you going to choose?


Are you going to continue down the "easy" path where your stutter lives on FOREVER in the name of maintaining the "status quo?" If this course of action hasn't helped you beat stuttering in the past, how will it help you in the future? It probably won't!

BUT, if you're sick of your stutter wielding it's power over you and you're ready to transform your future, relationships, and career, then there has to be something different than the "status quo" you've settled for in the past.

Today is the day to do something different. Today is the day to start speaking your mind with full clarity, fluency, and confidence.


P.S. Don't do the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. Developing a stutter-free life is well within your grasp, my friend.

Remember, your ability to build meaningful friendships, relationships, experiences, and career opportunities are directly connected to your ability to speak well. Don't settle for an "economy class" fare. You've only got one life. So go first class! Your time to stop stuttering is NOW. Your time to START speaking your mind is NOW.


Still unsure? Let me calm your worries.

You can now take advantage of my 30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee.

I'm giving you 30 days to test this program, and if you don't see your amazing improvements in your speech within 30 days, reach out to us and we'll get you a full refund, no questions asked.

I'm completely confident that if you commit yourself to this program you WILL see incredible results.

But if I'm wrong, I'll be happy to take the blame and you'll have a full refund coming your way.