How to Stop Stuttering When Saying Your Name (3 Steps)

Quick fact: There are two specific places (at least in America) that many people who stutter completely avoid.

These are the two places that can be the most terrifying places to visit:

Why are Starbucks and Chik-fi-la terrifying places for some people?

It's for this simple reason: They ask for your name when you order.

Literally I was on a coaching call with someone a few weeks ago and he told me he hasn't been to Chik-fi-la in years. He just doesn't go there because he doesn't want to deal with the potential stress and embarrassment of blocking on his name.

Feeling like you can't say your name is a brutal thing to live with, and I really do understand the awful feeling.

Now, in full transparency, saying my name wasn't my biggest struggle when I stuttered, however, I've had my fair share of times when I tried to introduce myself and I completely blocked up for a few seconds. It's not a great feeling. 

So if you want to stop avoiding places like Starbucks, and if you want to be more confident and fluent when introducing yourself to people you meet throughout your day – this video is here to help you solve that exact problem.

My friend, you don't have to stay where you are. You CAN change the script in your brain from stuttering on your name to speaking your name fluently and in a relaxed manner. You're about to learn the three step process for making that change happen.

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